
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Getting the Routine

I've stuck to my guns so far and not bought anything besides foodstuffs.

Really, it's been easier than I would have thought, though it's interesting to me how Pavlovian my reactions are.  I still click to my "Other Bookmarks" link, which is where I used to keep a lot of my retail links.  They've been gone for almost a week now and yet I still automatically track to their location.  Yet another habit to break.

The other big chunk, which after working for years in retail isn't so hard, is staying away from shopping centers.  The three and a half years I spent with Sur La Table were made more tolerable by the copious natural light that came into the space from the enormous walls of windows.  Williams-Sonoma, which was on the ground level of its mall, was a dark pit by comparison.  You had to step outside the front door and crane your neck upwards to even see light from the skylights far above.  Not exactly ideal.

Speaking of Sonoma, one of my former co-workers was messaging me this morning that it's in chaos.  The new general manager is apparently in way over her head and, well, that's not my problem.  I think a big part of the issue is that she'd been a District Manager for ages and ages with her former employer, Abercrombie & Fitch.  She doesn't know the product, doesn't know the area (she moved here from Oakland, CA), and doesn't have me (who knew everything and had been running the business since early November).  And what she does have is the overbearing D.M. who was a huge reason I wanted to depart the company.

But enough of that.  Back to happier pastures.

I treated Matt and myself to ice cream last night at Millie's on Highland and went to get a little sweet this morning at Oakmont, but I consider those to be sanity-stabilizing indulgences.  A little taste of life, I guess.

Matt went yesterday after work while I was up visitng my mom to renew our membership with the Kingsley Association so that we can get back to the gym.  I went today, doing about half of the Cybex circuit, twenty-five minutes on the elliptical, and rowing a quick 500 meters on the rowing machine.

I've gotten one job application sent in today and my goal is to get another one - one for a job that sounds absolutely incredible and a great fit.  I've been struggling with the content they want because I want it to be perfect.  Silly, I know.  The object is to get the damned thing done and out of my hands.

Back to business.  And back to a life I recognize.


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