
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Do One Thing With Love

Today has been a fairly lazy day.  I woke to make fresh blueberry scones, which was a nice touch for the morning, but which is further indulging my sense of self back in the kitchen.  The work of human hands and all that bit.

But the day has taken a terribly sad turn with the news coming from the nation's airports.  Muslim people - even those with legal green cards - are being banned from entering the country.  They're being detained and expelled.

If this was a movie, John Wayne would come riding over the hill and slay the evil bastard making these decrees, but it's 2017, Wayne's dead, and Elvis isn't cutting any more records.  We're pretty stuck.  Rock, meet hard place.

Just as one is about to lose heart, though, newer updates arrive showing mass protests at JFK Airport.
The people - the majority of Americans who did not vote for this evil man - will not stand for this.  They are rising and marching.  And we will continue to do so as it becomes ever more evident that our only choice is to resist and overcome.

More women and people of color are going to run for office.
More people are going to vote.
And the Republicans will lose.

We must choose love.  Unity in a divided nation is pretty far-fetched at this point.  The line of "Us" verus "Them" grows clearer every day.  And it won't be going away.

Choose to do one thing with love.  For yourself or a loved-one.  For a stranger.  Just act with love, kindness, and affirm the dignity of someone in danger of being trampled by this sadistic regime that has taken over Washington, D.C.

Choose love.

Love will trump Hate and make Trump hate us.

Love will win.


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