
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What to write?

I could blog about the weather, but I'd really rather not.

One could hold forth on the vagaries of the winter in Pittsburgh, encapsulating snow, sleet, ice pellets, rain, and sunshine in the span of about six hours.

Then there's the situation with the water supply for the entirety of Pittsburgh within the boundary of the rivers possibly being contaminated with Giardia.  That's fun.  We're drinking bottled water and drank fine Belgian beers out of plastic cups at Sharp Edge.

Or there's Beyonce being pregnant with twins, though I fear I'd run out of steam rather quickly there.
I skipped the gym today and, instead, went on a 2+ mile walk in Highland Park with Matt after he came home from work.  Sometimes the chill and rush of winter air beats the hell out of the warm, dry sterility of the gym.

I guess I'd forego writing on anything of substance and just go bake banana nut muffins for Matt to take into work tomorrow.


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