
Friday, March 8, 2013

A Day (Off) In the Life

A day off in the life of Bill begins, post-shower, with the carefully chosen ensemble of sage green.
We add to that the Barbour jacket and Ray-Bans.  It's completely grey out today in Pittsburgh, but it's the bright kind of grey that demands glasses.  The jacket is completely necessary!  It's chilly out.
First stop:  The recycling center to drop off the bottles and cans we've accumulated since I last went.
Yay for doing the environmentally sound - and easy as pie - thing!
 Never neglect your lips on a cold day!  Spring's coming, but it's not here yet.  Moisturizer and SPF are a must.
 You can do this while sitting in inexplicably backed up, stupid-ass Pittsburgh traffic...
 I am glamour embodied, no?
Like I said... traffic.  

 The time is passing and I'm getting older while the stop lights keep changing colors...
 This guy outside of Children's Hospital probably makes some pretty good cash, but I wouldn't trade jobs with him.  Out of 365 days in a year, we don't get that many that fall into the "just right" category in these parts.
 Stop Two:  Strip District!  Lotus Foods to get some teriyaki buns.
 Yup, it's a Lenten Friday and the line for fish sandwiches at Wholey's is about fifty people deep... figures.
 Forget Jesus... innocent fish died for your lunch.
 The Strip was, like the rest of Pittsburgh, completely maddening today with people everywhere.
 I wanted tea.  The only place to consider is Prestogeorge.
 Nope, not mine.  I'm learning to tolerate coffee, but I'm still a tea drinker at heart.
 There's my order!  A half-pound of blood orange black tea!

 The best bread - bar none - in the Strip!
 Making the next batch of dough.
 Looking towards Downtown with St. Stan's in the foreground.
 A quick stop at the restaurant supply for cake rounds also yielded a dirt cheap bird-beak paring knife!
 They'll find what you need in a jiff!
 Heading back up Penn:  the Doughboy at the split between Butler and Penn.
 The ONLY place in Pittsburgh your knives should visit!  Maturi's at 39th and Penn.
 They've got you covered.
 Just go around the back and head on in...
 Sales and service - all in one stop.
 This place is the real deal.  Old school, personal service to both industry and individuals.
 Nothing fancy, but they'll get your knives back to better than brand new condition for next to no money.
 All sharpened and ready to go back to their restaurants!
 Giving my 8" Wusthof Ikon chef's knife and the 7" santoku a great edge!

 Things are usually bustling, but this was lunchtime and lots of the guys were on their break.

 My best all ready to go home with me.  I wasn't even there 10 minutes!

Thousands of knives waiting to go home to their owners.

 One thing you can say for Pittsburgh:  we've got some great street names...
 Oh yeah:  It's pretty freaking cool to match your L.L. Bean Boat 'n Tote to your outfit...  it's how we roll ;-)
 Matt and I both had a minor hankering for amaretto sours last night, only it was too late to go get any.  I fixed that today!
 Visions of amaretto sours dancing in my head... ;-)
 Hundreds of gorgeous daffodils in Whole Foods waiting to be bought up!  Wordsworth was right... they brighten up the world - even a grey day in the city.
 I resisted... they were gorgeous, but I resisted.
 Seriously, I'm so ready for Spring.

 The AAA headquarters just across the street from Whole Foods.  It's an incredible space inside.
 Final destination:  Trader Joe's for a couple life necessities.  Well, mac and cheese is pretty necessary to me...

 Oh why not?  A good way to end a day out and about:  A shamrock shake:

The cherry on top of a fun blog to put together.  :-)


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