
Friday, February 15, 2013

Radio Silence

Sorry about that... it's been a while.  But in this short expanse of time much has happened.  The journey, it seems, has really taken off!

What's been going on, you ask?  Well, I was phoned on the night of Thursday the 7th and offered a sales position with Sur La Table at Pittsburgh's SouthSide Works.  I had my first day of work on Sunday the 10th and have worked twice since.

Thus far, I've been trained in cookware (a venue in which I shall shine - and even taught the woman training me a few things) and on how one uses the incredibly expensive (and in my eyes, incredibly unnecessary since I don't drink coffee...) coffee-making machines.  These range from a few hundred upward to three thousand dollars and can make a staggering range of coffee drinks.

Naturally, I've been plotting how I will use my very generous 40% employee discount (and still bring home some pay) in the time I am there, which I hope will be limited by the coming-along of a full-time job.

In other news, I've unofficially/officially moved in with Matt.  There's still much more to bring down, seek out, and make happen, but I'm here.  Much of the decor is already mine and has been here since last year, but working out storage and what I really need here will take some time.

We celebrated a low-key Valentine's Day yesterday.  We never make much of the holiday since our anniversary falls ten days later, but I still took the time to make a pretty cake, which my marginal icing and piping skills made at least a little pretty.

The top looks like a mix between Keith Haring and Cornelli Lace, but it was fun.  I was happy that I did the piped green border around the bottom as that detail made the piece really pop against the background of my red Le Creuset tray.

Word of warning:  Do not - even in desperation - buy the Dr. Oetker chocolate cake mix at Whole Foods.  The cake's texture is only so-so and it only tastes of chocolate due to my slathering chocolate frosting ovedr it and chips to the middle layer.  I will continue to place my faith in Uncle Dunkie and Aunt Betty (Duncan Hines and Betty Crocker to the rest of you) when it comes to boxed mixes.

I spent time today getting a tie-rod replaced on my car at the Sears Auto Center at Ross Park Mall, which I only found out needed changing when I had an oil change on Tuesday morning.  Thankfully, I successfully sold an extra clarinet I'd purchased back in 2004/5 and made more money on that transaction than I'd even hoped.  That takes the sting out of car repairs, even if they still make one grumble.

My struggle to find a desk I like for the apartment continues.  The one that came with Matt's furniture some years ago is insufficient for both of us.  If I'm permitted, it'd be very easy to just bring my Drexel Heritage mission-style desk from home, but I don't know how the mother is going to rule on that idea.  I keep finding things I marginally like that cost far too much and things I hate that cost even more.  I guess I'm just picky.

After departing Ross Park, I took time to walk around the Strip District for the first time in a while.  I bought a half-pound of loose-leaf Irish Breakfast tea and am enjoying a cup of it right now while I write.  I also lugged home an eleven pound sack of Arborio rice.  That should keep us in risotto for a few months!

I'm afraid I don't have much more to offer right now as far as news goes.  My mother is being frightfully neurotic about my absence and it's really wearing on me, but that's not much that bears repeating.  I know she's lonely without me, but there's only so much I can do about that and only so many times I can pretend I really care when she won't go out and make something happen with her life in retirement.

I don't work today/tonight, but am scheduled to close tomorrow and receive register training, thereby making me a real employee rather than one who can only wander about and help people find things that I, myself, am struggling to find among the thousands of products.

Until next time, dear readers, I send you my best wishes.  I've gotta say in closing that the three shifts I've worked so far at Sur La Table have flown by.  Never before have four-hour spans just disappeared like this.  While I don't love being part-time, I guess I do like the place pretty well.  They say if you do what you love - and we all know I love cooking (or at least its paraphernalia) - you don't truly work.  It's work, but it's been fun so far!

- Bill


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